Our Healthbox program reaches over 7,100 people across Canada, more than 105,000 visits

Our Healthbox machines have now been used more than 105,000 times across Canada, dispensing free HIV self-tests, naloxone kits, harm reduction supplies, essential sexual health supplies, and other wellness items that are often taken for granted.
First launched in January 2023, this ground breaking initiative -led by Dr. Sean B. Rourke, a clinical neuropsychologist at MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions with St. Michael's Hospital – now has 11 healthbox ‘smart’ vending machines in communities across the country.
Here is a quick look at some of the important national healthbox milestones
· Over 7,100 people reached
· Nearly 1,500 naloxone kits dispensed
· Over 19,000 harm reduction supplies accessed
· 3,000 sexual health items dispensed
· Nearly 1,000 HIV test kits distributed with roughly 50% of people reporting they tested for the first time
These incredible numbers couldn’t have been achieved without our community champions and funders: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC); TD Canada Trust, St. Michael's Foundation, The Jackman Foundation, Power To Give Foundation, and Staples Canada, through the #EventheOdds partnership between Staples and MAP - Canada’s largest research centre focused on health equity and the social determinants of health.
We would also like to thank our partners ConsumptionCo, SMRT1Health, and Esri Canada for their close collaboration every step of the way.
“This critical work comes at an important time as Canada grapples with rising HIV diagnoses and an ongoing opioid crisis,” said Dr. Rourke, who is also the director of REACH Nexus, a national research group working to address access and treatment for HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections.
“Our Healthboxes help improve people's lives, their families and communities across the country."

New numbers from PHAC, show that these were 2,434 new HIV diagnoses in 2023, a 35% increase since 2022. Overall, the national rate of new HIV diagnoses rose to 6.1 per 100,000 people in 2023 compared to 4.7 per 100,000 people in 2022. The highest rates were reported in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
It’s estimated that over 65,000 people were living with HIV in Canada with an estimated 89% diagnosed. But there are still nearly 16,000 people who have not yet been diagnosed.
Every day Canada sees roughly 21 opioid-related deaths, according to the latest federal data.
Our Healthbox is a critical tool to help end the HIV epidemic and reduce opioid deaths in Canada.
“It’s essential for everyone to have these supplies to take care of their health,” said Dr. Rourke.
“We know this isn’t always happening. We are doing everything we can to close these healthcare gaps.”