We meet clients where they are at in culturally appropriate ways

Meeting clients where they are in culturally appropriate ways, through our mental health and addictions outreach.
Nmawiwicuhketuwakonon mikutomonen ‘kani kikehtuwakonol - Wolahkomiksuwakon ‘Ciw Sakolomulsuwakon naka Wicuhketuwakon ‘ciw Wiwonaskahsuwinuwok.
Neqotkuk (Tobique First Nation) is in northwestern New Brunswick and is bound by the Tobique and Wolastoq rivers. It is the largest Wolastoqey (Maliseet) community and currently comprises approximately 40% of the total, on reserve Wolastqey population with about 1700 living on reserve. Neqotkuk has a young population which is expected to more than double in the next 20 years.
Neqotkuk tutte lahtoqehsoni-skiyahsonuk waponahkik n.b. naka qihiw ‘Topeq naka Wolastoq Sipuk. Piyemkihqok skicinuwihkuk naka mocel aqamk oluwiknok kehsanku kehsatq ewikultihtit mec Neqotkuk. ‘Tanaqsuwok wasisuwoltihtit naka aqamk oc nemihqosultihtit tokiw nisinskikotok.

Neqotkuk has several families that have been impacted by Residential Schools, and every family in the community has been impacted by the on-reserve Indian Day School that was operated into the 1980s. This has led to a loss of language and culture, as well as unresolved intergenerational trauma in the community. This has been compounded by loss of lands surrounding our rural community, in which to practice our Rights. As a result, there has been increased mental health challenges, drug and alcohol misuse and homelessness.
‘Tanaqsuwok neqtakutomucik mec ‘sikawsultihtit apatapasihtit kisi komutonutpon weci wenuhcuwikehkimut naka tena yukt wenuhcuwikehkimut ihtolikehkitimkil Shubenacadie naka Neqotkuk tokkiw elikotok 1980. Nit weci ehqi skicinuwatuwahtimok, naka skicinuwawsultimok opocil wenuhcuwok olokimak weci ‘qiltuwatomuhtit psiw keq skicinuwey. Mec wemotasu eci motuweyik qeci sakolikapuwoltiyeq kehsok ksihkatuweq wetapeksultiyeq, kapiw nkihtahkomikumon komutunasu naka psiw elawsultiyeqpon keka ‘kihka macehewiw. Psiw yut weci piyemelok sikitahasuwakon, naskatahasuwakon naka wiwonaskahsuwinuwok tuciw wenuhcuwitahasuwakon, wenuhcuwatuwakon naka piluwi ‘pisunol ewehkasikil. Kehsihtit tena yukt ksihkahatihtit, mate ‘tihiwoniya ewikultihtit, opocil wiwonaskahsuwinuwok tokec alluwi wicuhkemsuwok.
Navigating intergenerational trauma and preserving cultural resilience
Like other communities in New Brunswick, Mental health and addictions are on the rise in our community. Mental Health and Addictions Outreach
program was established in April 2019. The team consist of 1 LPNS, 1 Social worker and 1 Addictions Counsellor and 1 administrative assistant. The
Program was created to offer individuals with substance use disorders a safe environment, free of judgement.

Empowering community with 24/7 access to essential support services
Tahalu kotokil Skicinuwihkuk yut Waponahkik N.B., piyemeluwok tokec wiwonaskahsuwinuwok. Alluwehta ntihinen wicuhketuwakonol tuciw Ponatomuwi Kisuhs elikotok 2019. Nuci wicuhkemicik ntiwan pesq LPNS, pesq Nutankeyutiket ‘ciw neqtakutomucik naka pesq wicuhkemat yuhut wiwonaskahsuwinuwok naka pesq wicuhketok nihkanatpatasik psiw wicuhketuwakon. Psiw yut mawoluhkewakonon weci sankewitahasihtit yukt puwatomuhtit wicuhketuwakon weci skat sessomiw ‘toqesihtit.
We meet clients where they are at in culturally appropriate ways.
Nmawiwicuhketuwakonon mikutomonen ‘kani kikehtuwakonol.
Fostering a stigma-free environment through inclusive health initiatives
We are excited to offer our community the Healthbox which will enable us to extend support services 24/7 to those who need it most. Community members will be able to access after hours harm reduction supplies such as injection kits, smoking kits, HIV self-test kits, nutritional snacks, smudge kits, sexual health kits, Narcan/naloxone, and hygiene kits.

Our Healthbox will also provide a resource for community members seeking to access to support services like emergency hotline numbers, contact information for other health professionals and information on traditional services (such as sweat lodge ceremonies, smudging etc.). The Healthbox extends our stigma-free environment, as it is accessible with minimal barriers and will be without judgement.

Nkinitahasultipon koti aqami wicuhkemeq ntulnapemonuk ehtahsikisqok eliwihtmeq sakolomulsuwakonutiyil (healthbox). Tan yukt puwatomuhtit wicuhketuwakonol, ntihinenc milikok kisapetomuhtit weci mewiyahtihtit tan tehpu tayuweq tahalu sahkatiyik, utomekhikiyil, HIV eytsuwineyal ‘pisunol, micuwakon, pqotenomakonol, lusessuweyal wicuhketuwakonol, Narcan/naloxone ‘ciw wiwonaskahsuwinuwok, pehkiyusuweyal. Sakolomulsuwakonutiyil (health box) tena miluwanen akinuwehtasuweyal ‘ciw kotokil wicuhketuwakonol, naka wicuhkemicik kapiw ‘ciw nutalsuwikuwamol, pkotenomakoneyal naka psiw skicinuwimiyewakonol). Yut sakolomulsuwakonutiyil (healthbox) aqami wicuhketomonen weci skat wen ‘toqesit wihkutok wicuhketuwakon tan tehpu tayuwek nituwihtit.’

About the Organization:
Our Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Program provides a holistic approach to health care that is rooted in culture, while providing a non-judgemental environment. Where clients can access wrap around services tailored to their individual needs. Outreach is dedicated to meeting client where they are at and supporting individuals in their healing journeys through a holistic care approach.
Nmawoluhkewakonon ‘ciw wicuhketuwakonon ntuwehkanen ‘kani kikehtuwakonol tahalu mecomiw kinsuhsok ewehketponik mesq wenuhcuwi ‘pisunol ewehkiyeqpon. Nit weci apacihptuweq ‘ciw wolahkomiksuwakonol weci kikehtuweq tpitahasuwakonol, psuhunok, cocahqok kat tehpu hokok. Nwicuhkeman yukt puwatomuhtit tan keq nituwihtit kat tehpu nmilanen piluweyal ‘pisunol aqami ‘sanaqok. Ntahcuwi minuwokehkiman eli kcitpahk ‘kani kikehtuwakonol. Outreach’s harm reduction focus is dedicated to educating the public about overdose prevention, all while reducing stigma associated with drug use. Outreach offers a variety of services which include

Needle exchange program where clients can have access to sterile supplies and proper disposal of sharps within the community. Outreach offers connections and referrals to counselling services. We also offer clients who struggling with addictions, Opioid and stimulant replacement therapy. This is available through our partnership with Riverstone Recovery Center. Other supports include transportation to medical appointments or court, harm reduction supplies and food security needs.
Nmawoluhkewakonon tena miyahsi nkiluwahtunen kekiketuwakonol weci ‘sotumeq eli ‘sanaqok wapoli wekasik wiwonaskahsuwikil. Nwicuhketomonen kette weci esunomawotihtit kisuwehkasicik sahkatiyik ‘ciw yukt pehkikicik. Nwicuhketomonen tena weci kisewestuwamahtit yuhut nutsihpiluwewicik. Nwicuhkeman tena weci qecehtuhtit piluweyal ‘pisunol weci monakaci nokkotomuhtit wiwonaskahsuwikeyal. Nisessuwipon opocil Riverstone Recovery Center. Kotokil wicuhketuwakonol tena nmacephan ehcuwi natsakiyahtit nutsipiluwecik, ihtoli tpolumut, naka kapiw elihpultihtit monumuwewanen.
Visit the Neqotkuk Health Centre website to learn more.