SOAR Community Services
(In partnership with Brant County Health Unit)

People reached
Wellness supplies accessed
Lifesaving naloxone kits dispensed
HIV self-test kits accessed to ‘know your status'

Sexual health items provided
Supplies accessed to reduce harm

June 13, 2024

Our Healthbox, Our Community
A not-for-profit for over 55 years, <span class="text-color-beige1">providing the community with support</span> in employment, housing, justice, addictions and mental health.
Our Healthbox is another step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of at-risk community members.
It will provide low barrier access to essential supplies, contributing to a safer and healthier environment for all.
This initiative underscores the commitment of all partners involved to prioritize the health and well-being of community members who use substances.
It aligns with broader harm reduction strategies aimed at minimizing the negative consequences of substance use while promoting dignity, respect, and compassion for all individuals.